Netanyahu's Pathological Greed Is Part and Parcel of Israel's Slide to Pseudocracy


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Oct 11, 2023

Netanyahu's Pathological Greed Is Part and Parcel of Israel's Slide to Pseudocracy

At the Netanyahu estate in Caesarea there was a wayward electrical shutter that the lady of the house didn’t like. There were repeated demands for a new shutter, but at the time there were still

At the Netanyahu estate in Caesarea there was a wayward electrical shutter that the lady of the house didn’t like. There were repeated demands for a new shutter, but at the time there were still gatekeepers, such as an accountant general with a backbone and a Shin Bet security service that didn’t align itself with every whim for “security considerations.” One day an invisible hand damaged the shutter. No signs were found of an external breach of the secured compound. But then it already had to be replaced.